Our audit process includes the power of sophisticated data analysis software, allowing us to efficiently identify anomalies and red flags that may be deeply buried in thousands of electronic transactions. That’s how we established ourselves as the premier providers of professional auditing and related assurance services in the Central Valley.
Internal Audit
Internal auditors play a key role in the continuous improvement of an organization’s operations. Internal auditors are independent of an organization’s management and focus on a disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, the internal control environment, and governance processes. A well- established internal audit department adds tremendous value to the oversight of an organization by providing meaningful recommendations.
Our professional team members are experienced as both external and internal auditors. Having this experience allows us to efficiently and effectively identify key areas of risk and help an organization mitigate those risks. Our internal audit practice is based on a firm foundation and adherence to the core principles of internal auditing as articulated by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Our commitment to adopt and adhere to the principles outlined below should provide our clients with confidence in knowing that we will perform our work in accordance with best practices and standards. According to the Institute, the following principles must be present and operating effectively for an internal audit function to be considered effective:
- Demonstrates integrity
- Demonstrates competency
- Is objective and free from undue influence (independent)
- Aligns with the strategies, objectives, and risks of the organization
- Is appropriately positioned and adequately resourced
- Demonstrates quality and continuous improvement
- Communicates effectively
- Provides risk-based assurance
- Is insightful, proactive, and future-focused
- Promotes organizational improvement
In addition to the ongoing monitoring of an organization’s risk management, internal controls, and governance process, internal auditors may also conduct fraud and forensic investigations. If you have an interest in collaborating with our firm as the internal auditors for your organization, we’d be happy to explore that opportunity with you.
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We go above and beyond for our clients, consistently driven by a desire to provide the very best tax and accounting services.