Our audit process includes the power of sophisticated data analysis software, allowing us to efficiently identify anomalies and red flags that may be deeply buried in thousands of electronic transactions. That’s how we established ourselves as the premier providers of professional auditing and related assurance services in the Central Valley.
Our auditors and consultants have significant experience providing audit and financial reporting services to several industries including agriculture, wholesale distribution, light manufacturing, medical and legal practices, and health care organizations. Our service approach requires that our team of qualified professionals obtain a thorough understanding of not only accounting internal controls but also of your operations. Armed with this knowledge we provide insightful recommendations for improvements in both accounting and operational areas.
The services we provide include the following:
- Financial Statement Audits, Reviews & Compilations (AICPA Standards)
- Internal control audits
- Fraud prevention consulting
- Fraud investigation
- Year-end closing and financial statement preparation
- Monthly bookkeeping
- Budgeting and cash-flow forecasting
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We go above and beyond for our clients, consistently driven by a desire to provide the very best tax and accounting services.