Our audit process includes the power of sophisticated data analysis software, allowing us to efficiently identify anomalies and red flags that may be deeply buried in thousands of electronic transactions. That’s how we established ourselves as the premier providers of professional auditing and related assurance services in the Central Valley.
Pension Audit
Price Paige has extensive experience in performing audits of 401(k), 403(b), Qualified, and Governmental retirement plans.
Retirement plans with more than 99 participants at the beginning of the year are required to have an annual audit. These highly complex audits are increasingly coming under additional scrutiny by the Department of Labor and can cause significant stress to your human resources and payroll departments. With our experienced staff, we take the responsibility of gathering all necessary information while causing as little distraction as possible. We understand the importance of timeliness due to the quick turnaround that is required to file your retirement plan’s Form 5500. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that your deadlines are met.
In addition to performing our audit under Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, we are also in accordance with auditing rules and regulations as prescribed in the Employer Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and provide further assurance of the following:
- Employee contributions are being remitted in a timely fashion
- All eligible participants are properly given the opportunity to participate
- Benefit payments are made in accordance with the plan document
- Distributions are made in accordance with the plan document
- Prohibited transactions are identified and remedied
- Issues that may affect the plan’s tax status are identified
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